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Reviews for "Gun Knight"

it was alright

It wasn't the best game i've ever played and was really short. I think different weapons could have made it better.

its ok

this game is ok but alpha nights is a much better game.


It was okay, but it's a crappy idea to use a Side Scroller design when you're shooting from an omsicient poit on view.

it's a glorifide escort misson...

i hate babysitting,defenceless girls...BUT i will say you put a lot of love into this,Kudos...

Godlimations responds:

thanks :) love is the source of goodness.

So so

I'm not quite sure it's theologically sound, so I wouldn't have pasted an Icthus Fish on the intro page. As for the game, it was adverage, alright graphics, but rather dull. Nothing too original. Sorry.

Godlimations responds:

It's part of our masculinity, It's my way of saying.... Christianity isn't boring ahaha. and It's not an intro really, its my website logo.

thanks for the interesting comment!