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Reviews for "Whoooop2"

You just scraped a pass

The animation and the looks were... barable, the thing that really saved it was the humor, admittedly I wasn't laughing all the way through but there was enough there to keep me interested which is why I didn't outright blam you n_n


1) Dont pay attention to the numbers ^^ i dont fill those out anymore.
2)Since when did Mushroomhead celebrate X-mas???

PsychoMantis093435 responds:

The guys from mushroomhead might celebrate christmas, you never know. Besides, I just thought it was funny. I mean how much more random can you get than a guy from mushroomhead (Shmotz, because he's got the hat) with a rocket launcher, shooting a big pink man wearing rice pants. Meh... Actually all of the animations were created seperately from each other and this is a compilation of them. I have a lot of unfinished shit that I do to distract myself and relieve some stress.

Not funny.

The animation was ok but there was no point to the movie and it was not it the least bit funny total pointsless


I am being generious and gave this movie a 1 just because I felt bad and I know this movie is going to be takin off this site.

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