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Reviews for "Black v.s. Red Pt. 1"

not bad...

song is great, action is great, only one thing add more details then you are in the history books

I liked it

Some of the time i had no idea what was goin on, but overall a good flash.


Not bad at all, nice music, nice effort on the animations, very nice. Keep up[ the good work.

PS, Make the next one a bit longer.


Well one it was too short, song barely. Two, why on Earth would you draw cheap stick figures with detailed backgrounds? You can do eyes mouths, facial expressions... so why not buff the detail a little more and give the bodies substance? Three, well I really don't have a three, I just wanted to have more than two points... How about fixing the play screen so you don't have the white bar on the right? *Shrug* There is a plot I wont complain and say there isn't one, red vs blue, thats the plot for anyone else >.>


ummm lets c... i love sticks... but i've seen this one too many times... and i really truly don't perfer dbz... but yea... needs better music