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Reviews for "Fredgy - Eurodancer {Remix}"

not bad

i like the original song and the remix is ok aswell , just in my opinion its too much already^^ when there are 20 sounds at once i sometimes even missed the melody ;O question of taste i guess. still its well done some nice passages and its not just new stuff added to the song its a new song , with your style :P

Fredgy responds:

haha thanks :p
i appreciate your opinion about that ;)
but it was kinda the plan to miss that original melody at the end :p
but thanks for the review! ;-D


you got ok transitions. but you need new synth sounds cuz the ones you got are really cheesey. like at :50 i was like oh god this kid needs nexus. hahaha good piano tho

Fredgy responds:

thanks for review :)
i know about the synths, i got all that vsti's also
i just wanted to make my own synths without all that outstanding vsti's :p
thanks for review though ;)


it was okay at the middle work on the beginning and work on making it smoother

Fredgy responds:



But still needs plenty of work, you wont get anywhere which half-made songs man, if you're gonna make a remix of a song you gotta try to make it even better than the original, otherwise there is no reason for remixing it (that's just my way of thinking though).

Now, Im gonna try to help you as much as I can with this review and you can either apply it to this song or to your future creations:

First of all, congratulations on getting the melody and chord progression right, Im not a big fan of this song, but I have listened to it enough to tell you got it right, btw the lil piano riffs you added were pretty nice!

Now, I heard plenty of clipping on your song, starting with the piano. You should always be careful when using piano on your songs, my advise is, route it into a channel on your mixer, Idk if which sequencer you are using, but for example if you use FL Studio I would advise you to put a Soft Clipper on the piano channel and if the piano still goes on top of the 0db meter lower its volume a little bit. If you are using Cubase or Reason or any other DAW try putting a compressor on the channel and set the Ratio knob on 100.1 that will prevent it from getting above the 0db mark ( ;

I love the filter work at 00:26 good job! I also like your bass its pretty original but it seems to conflict with the kick and makes it sound weak, I would suggest you to either side-chain it or EQ it better cause it just eats all the lower frequencies.

The song still seems pretty raw, it definitely needs a lot of EQ work without mentioning mastering, another advice, try putting a Limiter on your master channel, that will prevent the song from clipping and it will sound better mastered ( ;

The structure of the song itself isn't that original either, its pretty much the same as the original, I would suggest to change it a bit and make it LONGER for goodness sake!! Its just to short! I mean did you seriously worked 3 weeks on this? Heh, I don't believe you P;

Keep working, the more tracks you produce, the more you will learn about production and the more effort you put into your tunes, the better they will sound.


Fredgy responds:

awesome thanks! :p
i'll try to work everything out what you said ^^
yes i did work 3 weeks on it, but not whole days / week x)
i started 3 weeks ago with it, and then i worked on it slowly :p
like 2 hours a day or something and sometimes i skipped a day because i wasn't home or something :p
i think i used to work on it for something around 23 hours, but i changed many times things, i did things also i never did before what took much time because they were new and so on ^^

thanks for review! ;-D


with the intro and the chord progression, it just sounded soo.... generic. but getting away from the triteness of this track, lets go to production

whats supposed to be the bass synth i suppose isnt very bassy at all [no thats nota problem with my bass, i have a fat woofer sitting next to me]. instead it comes off as abraisive and at times painful.

the beat is really weak--the bass drum is too short and light. try layering it with another bass drum that has a longer bass release. the snare doesnt really mesh with the bass drum either, and the high hats stand out too much to the point that they take over the beat instead of complimenting it.

your lead synth has too much reverb so it just sounds kinda wishywashy, and all the synths in the song sound too much like simple square waves and saws that they just feel weak and synthetic.

idk its a pretty meh song for me. youve got the right ideas though for structuring a trance song, so keep at it!

[maybe you can check out my latest. i think itd help you see what i mean. :)]

Fredgy responds:

ok thanks for review though ;)