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Reviews for "Grave 3"

so very very cheesy...

but a good kind of cheesy. Kind of. :)X

FrostedMuffins responds:

Thanks for the review!

Not bad... for a flash-type 1st person shooter.

Not bad, but yeah, the guns are too slow, meaning firing and reloading... especially the shotgun. The graphics weren't bad, but not tremendously great either. Overall I'd say it was a nice attempt for this sort of flash/game, but you probably could improve it... a lot. Beyond that, it was good, though making it bigger, faster, more options, etc, would be a good change if you happen to make another one of these. Bottom line... good flash game, could be better, but it's better than 60 or 70% of the stuff that comes in anyways, so I'd rate it... above average.


FrostedMuffins responds:

Thanks for the review. Every game I think I'm improving so hopefully one game will fulfill all of these aspects. Thanks for all the advice!

its a really good game but...

its not fast paced enough

FrostedMuffins responds:

Thanks for leaving a review. My next games will be much more fast paced.

Big imporvement .. .. But still needs work

Well it looks like you took our advice with the amo Idea.... but it still needs reloading, and you did a better job with the artwork aswell. I did get some lag durring the game, but thats not what killed me... that wall of explosives?? Was I supposed to wait or something? Because I waited a while, maybe it just got too laggy from millions of things on the screen at one time.

P.S. If you want a good example of a flash-shooting style game... check out "MIU SIM" Best I've seen on newgrounds, and its only a demo.

P.S.S. In the begining... I tested out the weapons and used all my amunition... And well... dude it should fill you back up once you click "no" other wise they'll end up like me and have nothing to kill the first guy and have to sit there being hit 5 damage every like 10 seconds and wait untill you lose all 100 of your health.

Best shooter I`ve played on this website!

Pretty freakin` cool, dude! Except that the enemies are pretty easy.