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Reviews for "Warhammer:Montau Broken"

nice movie for a first go

good movie for a first attempt here. smooth animation and a good attempt at a story, but there are some technical errors. First of all the term "Mont'au" acctually translates to "The Terror" or, in otherwords, the "T'au Devil". The acctual term for the T'au society is the "Tau'va" or the "Greater Good".

Eh, that could be good

You could have something good going on for you, but the start was to long, and that music is out of place (and it's really bad).


i agree with the others that was terrible
although, for a first time i suppose it was OK
the total incorrectness of the story was phenominal though, and the drawings of the tau were bad. Was anything in the prologue relevant to the story :P

okay look at my review.

Okay you got ALOT and i mean a HELLLAVA lot wrong about the stuff. first tau dont have captains or generals and stuff like that they have shas'ui (translation is captain.) and like what the other people said. the general would have been a commander and would have led the squad himself. the main charecter would be in a fire team outfit with six or eight supporting firewarriors or pathfinders possibly armed with carbines due to the mission details. (small amount of spacemarines) which brings me to my next point. Space Marines come in More then one squad even if outside of a base would have a chapel, or at least a rhino with a makeshift chapel nearby, possibly a sergeant AND a chaplain. a thunderhawk would have headed out to the spacemarines or been landed. spacemarines know no fear thus would not retreat and spacemarines DO NOT turn on eachother becuase a ship goes boom. in that firewarrior game its Spacemarine Vs Pre-Chaos demented spacemarine then to full chaos Demented spacemarine. Also. a bolter would blow open a tau warrior. if the shield on his armor was down. And last, WTH was that thing with the two horns and purple circle? honestly >:o oh and i didnt hate it it was okay for a first try make a remake. ( Tau wear leg armor and have massive shoulderguards and smaller heads)

Piece of %$&% u know nothing bout warhammer sry

look dude WhooYah ur wrong the genral is not Shas'Ui its Shas'o Kais and Shas'Ui is just a Erethal Fire Warrior Body Guard and add a few more troops in there too like for exmaple X22 Stealth Suits
or a XV88 Crisis Battlesuits and 2 more things dude DONT USE REAL WARHAMMER PIECES IN FLASH ANIMATIONS it looks bad and who r those Space Marines name em and Y IS THERE ONLY 1 BLOODY HAMMERHEAD AND THE HAMMERHEAD U USED IS ACTUALLY A SKYRAY MISSILE VEHICLE dude get ur facts right and there is no MontTau if u want Mont its Mont'Ka and play Warhammer 40'000 Dark Crusade ull learn more bout Tau and add in the battle a Cadre HQ or Path To Enlightment or a Kroot Baracks and u seriously need Kroot it dosent look like a full scale sword bloodbath battel without em...... ok This is BlackMage25 Warhammer Master Signing off and Ps: if u wanna learn more bout Tau,Chaos ,SpaceMarines talk to me ill give u all the info u need BYE!!! andTHERE IS NO VILOENCE (sry one more thing) when enemies die in Dark Crusade there is Blood and guts everywhere! if u want ill send u my fight on the battle field with Orks and there is blood and guts and Tau and Ork corpeses everywhere and by the way nice misic selection BYE may The Erethal be with you (and give them some voices)