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Reviews for "I Hate Republicans."

So fucking true.

"They wave flags and guns and quote from the bible." Yep. They defame any and all religions, especially Christianity. Christianity is a vehicle used to drive Jerry Falwell to the top. He's going to the deepest depths of Hell and bathing in molten copper for eternity for using his Gods name in vein and for personal gain.


Great that song was good too

So do I!!!!!!!!!!

but the KKK and hitler should not be in this since they are racist basturds
but that doesnt mean i dont hate repulicans


Go ahead and say your opinion about Republicians, but you really should NOT involve Hitler and Bush. Why? Because Hitler was a part of a DIFFERENT POLITICAL PARTY AND SYSTEM.

I guess it just shows how little your liberal mind knows.


Neo-Nazis and other rascist groups propbably did not vote for the Republican party. They would deem Republicans too minor in their actions. A proper neo-Nazi would find a scapegoat to place the faults of the country upon. Is the Bush administration finding an inner scapegoat, like the Jews? No. They have a foreign scapegoat.
Therefore, it is unjust to lump together these groups as a single right-winged unit.

liked the music though.