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Reviews for "I Hate Republicans."

June 2020 edit: I'm editing this comment 15 years after the fact, because I am a VERY different person than I was when I was 15. Holy shit, when I wrote the original comment, I had no idea how this world worked, and I was slurping down the kool-aid. Religion is an obstacle to critical thinking, and the republican party preys on the religiously motivated obedience to create roadblocks to the expansion of personal freedoms and civil rights. Like the right to choose, for example, which I almost can't believe I actually opposed at one point. I'm leaving my earlier comment in its place just as a personal reminder that there was a time when I actually believed the lies I was fed, because if I could change, others could too.

Original comment:
Wake the fuck up.

I cannot sit by and watch this movie go uncritiqued on a moral level. This movie does not argue against republican beliefs, it flat-out attacks them on a personal level. If you thought this movie would make you so slick and cool, then realize that it is only a display of your capacity to hate other people based on their political ideals. The graphics are sharply presented, and timed well to the music, but that doesn't matter. In fact, it just shows how much effort you are willing to put forth to showcase your hatred. We are not Hitlers. We are not a front for the Klu Klux Klan. We are citizens of the United States of America, and like everybody else, are a people judged by God and compelled to do right. And you can say that all of creation's ideals are against us, but realize that we are largely the ones who marched on the capital to try to end abortion- a policy that legalizes the murder of millions of Americans a year. And that is a proven fact. I don't denounce your views, but I damn your hatred.


I didn't bother watching it past the first 10 seconds, but it got my 5.

I trust that it's a mighty film, because, Republicans are terrorists. And the supporters of Republicans support terrorism and are anti-freedom and hate America.
Republicans are unamericans.

Thanks for voting, Munkah!
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I could sing that alllll day........

Republicans suck and everybody in the free world knows it! At the rate things are going, even more people are going to hate America because of our president. Now I don't hate this country, only the people running it.

For everyone out there who believes in civil rights and "freedom", Impeach Bush!

Goddamn right.

Amen brother.

Well It was OK

Well the song itslef was biast but funny the fact of the matter is it doesnt matter if republicans or democrates win the supposable election america will still continue down the path of ruling the world behind the scenes welll those are corperations for ya hwat can we do about it?

Oh and sarek about wwII the only reasons the americans joined is because the japanese attacked if that never happened america would of never joined cause you guys dont give a shit about anything and your own affiares.Poor old russia and britian would be fighting alone but I bet eventually the allies would of defeated germany without america Mr.smartass you over estimate america's part in the war russia was the first allied power to reach berlin all america managed to do was invade france with the help of britian and canada and fight off the japanese fleet wow some accomplishments there then again invade italy but still peanuts compared to russia and britian and other such allied powers.

Although this movie isn't all that correct you still have a point.

And sandman there isnt equal job oppurtunity there is never a country where there is and they will never be one becuase of slum neighbourhoods corrupt governments & the rich and privalged.