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Reviews for "I Hate Republicans."

Yay! Death to republicans!

After watching farenheit 9/11, I was hoping someone would do something like this. You have the right idea. Frankly, i don't care who you are, if you vote republican, you are a heartless b#stard and you can never be a true patriot. The song ruled too. Keep up the good work.

do you hate them because they kepp winning?

Or because you're an angst- filled "rebel" that likes Klan images?

You have the mentality of a 3 year-old at best.

This was a terrible flash, it has no meaning, no humor, & no truth. In your falsh, you show Bush-Cheney supporters with KKK members & Nazis, even though 84% of house republicans voted to approve the civil-rights bill & 58% of democrats voted to REJECT it! & when the bill came under critizim from 12 democratic senators, President R.M. Nixon publically defended the bill. it's also interesting to note that many former clansmen are not prominant democrats. & as far as Nazis go, after Eisenhower (republican, by the way) was elected in 1953, he led in the main forces of invasion against Germany & crushed the nazis. Eisenhower was also a 5-star army general. Your flash is a horrible mis-representation of today's events & you lost, so please get over it & if you EVER make annother political flash again [which I ask that you don't] please take the time to look up your facts & do not just spout hate & lies like Ted Kennedy [oh, & as far as gun-control goes, Ted Kennedy killed more people with his car than I did with my guns, why don't you want to ban cars too? & most people killed by cars have drunk drivers, do you want to ban alcohol too?] My case has ben made, if you would have offered constructive critizim, I might have given you a better score, & so might have others, but your flash is complete crapola not worthy of the space it takes on my computer after being loaded & not worthy of being on the Newgrounds server.

Damn republicans

This was awesome. I liked it alot , , , those bastards

heh heh

We all have our beliefs. Both parties have their separate beliefs but once you join a party your suppose to stick right to them? I like to believe whatever I want to so I'm a neutral. I think (OPINION!!!) that the parties should be abolished because really it's just seperating America and we start fighting with our own people then any outside force.

The parties were useful then but looking at it, it just pits America against itself now. Hating a democrat or a republican is just like hating a black man for being black. I choose to hate people for who they are not what group their in.

Us humans are far too simplistic in this world of politics ~_~