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Reviews for "FAR 1/4"

Semi okay

I guess it was kind of okay, but dude you really need to work on your camera angles. Like the scene where he stabs the white dude, it just happens WAY to fast, you hardly have the time to figure out wtf is going on. You could have like shown the expression on the guys face, like he'd be all scared and shit, and then see him reach out for the knife and then see him stab the white dude.


So this white guy crashes onto our planet, he gets stabbed by this farmer but the knife looks like a pen, and he walks off. didn't really like this one since. Please put dialoge and don't make the scenes go so quickly. I'll still watch the other 3, just hope they're better... 5 i give you. Better luck next time...


i didnt really seem as good as i thought it was going to be.......maybe it will get better in later episodes.....at least i hope it will, sheesh!!!

Frontpage really?

donno...maybe its just me.........not bad....not good...errmmm...

I''m not really into sci-fi sorry

The animations were good except your birds look like snowmen which got me pretty confused yea. The whole alien thing well he looks like a human though so maybe he could transform into a hideous beast if he's the invader andif he's the good guy well then he's ok. Yea but why do the people around him don't notice he's an alien. There's gotta be a bit more reality.