never mess with a hamster.
edit: removed audio to avoidl licensing issues
I admit that I was confused as to why this was so popular. It didn't seem to be anything that interesting. It truly got better at the very end. I especially love how you get rid of something you're setting up. Then you really do it! The animation is good too.
I recognize that guy. I think he's in some of your other flashes. I certainly wasn't expecting that. The animation is fairly good. Humans are technically animals.
Well, it made me smile...but that isn't a great feat.I agree with Withey, that you need to think of smoething better than cliches.Now I'm not saying that cliches are bad but they have to be put in a nice way.They turn bad if your whole movie is created from cliches.If you can't think of anything use cliches but amaze us with graphics/sound and action(or at least details).Keep workking.
Wasn't clever nor funny, the music was obnoxious, and 75% of the animation felt completely unnecessary. Keep working at it, but know that sometimes ingenuity and creativity go a long way, and not using cliches from old cartoons and overplayed, obnoxious background music.
very funny but u should of added the hamster like katate choping him in half then laser