The visuals of the terrain make it hard to tell what you can and can't walk through. I lost a lot of fights due to getting stuck on obstacles I didn't know were there. I think you should put thick outlines around them or something so they stand out.
Also I'm not sure what the point bonuses at the end of combat mean. Is 'Player Damage' how much damage I dealt or how much my team received? 'Soldiers Defeated' should be 'Allies Defeated' or something - both sides have soldiers, you know?
Also the ring thing should be explained to the player somehow.
It also wasn't clear if losing any of my guys in a fight meant they were lost permanently or not.
EDIT: Hey, thanks for taking some of my feedback into account.
If you end up not liking the thick outlines for obstacles, brightly-colored outlines might work too, or simply making the obstacles somewhat brighter than the passable terrain.
As for explaining the ring in the game, could you have Quintavius mention his ring somewhere in dialogue? That would at least highlight that the mechanic exists to the players - right now it's just a weird hand in your HUD.
Here's some sample dialogue that might help you come up with a scene that works.
Quint: "I nearly lost my ring in that last fight!"
Someone Else: "Your ring? I had no idea you were married!"
Q: "Ah, regrettably I'm not. 'Tis not that kind of ring, but a magical one."
SE: "My word! Do you mean without it you'd be unable to cast spells?!"
Q: "Certainly not! It simply amplifies spells cast with whichever hand I wear it upon."
(change the HUD hand to the left hand icon)
Q: "When I wear it upon my left hand, my fire spell is burns more fiercely."
(change the HUD hand to the right hand icon)
Q: "And when it sits upon my right hand, the potency of Healing Light is similarly increased."
Something like that.
Other ways to make it even harder to miss:
1. Use the switching sound effect when switching hands in that dialogue scene.
2. Capitalize the letter 'H' in hand in that dialogue scene and maybe even give it a different color. Players sitting in front of a keyboard naturally link that sort of thing to the appropriate key.
3. Make it so that Quintavius glows as though he is being healed when it's on his right hand - and maybe put a small fire on his staff when it's on his left.
4. You know that little white pip on the health bar that appears when losing/gaining health? Have that start coming out of Quint's current health bar the moment you switch hands to the right hand. That way the healing effect is immediately obvious. You could even add a little red line in the health bar that indicates how much health he'll have after it heals him, and time everything so that the healing effect happens when the white bar hits that red line. That way the player can time, just by looking, how much time it'll take for one more HP to be restored.
I know this is a lot to read. And I don't mean to come off like I'm demanding a bunch of stuff. I like to give feedback that creators can actually use to improve things. And that includes giving solutions instead of just pointing out problems sometimes.