H3ll0, I'm u6ly XD
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Speak like Piconjo! Type in the box and be amazed as it is transformed into Piconjo speak!
Just a simple little app for Piconjo day! Enjoy :D
(keeping you distracted while I work on the next pico's arcade update!)
Edit: Thank you so much for the front page! Once you're done here, check out Stepford's game Piconjo AFK! It's such a fun game :D
Edit: Okay you can take it off the front page now, feature someone's work that actually required some effort.
H3ll0, I'm u6ly XD
My nam3 iz 4d4m . I liv3 1n Cz3ch R3pub11c!!!
Happy Piconjo Day 2024
A n3at littl3 6ad63t f0r quickly 6ivin6 t3xt t3h Pic0nj0 tr3atm3nt.
T3h fr33 m3dal$ ar3 a nic3 b0nu$.
(If j00'r3 l00kin6 2 63t "$p0k3 t3h truth", put "pic0nj0 iz b3tt3r than j00!" (with0ut qu0t3$) in2 t3h t3xtb0x.)
(God help any dyslexics trying to read this.)
j00'r3 damn ri6ht pic0nj0, j00'r3 t3h 6od 0f t3h pr0tal