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Korded (ft. Larrynachos) (Piconjo OST)

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Another week, another preview of the Piconjo teh 6ame soundtrack! This one hear features @Larrynachos on guitar as well as an insane synth solo in the second half! I hope you enjoy this one and rest of the collaborations to come!

Before you ask, yes it's in 7/8.

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n C0n6r3$$, July 4, 1776

T3h unanim0u$ D3clarati0n 0f t3h thirt33n unit3d $tat3$ 0f Am3rica, Wh3n in t3h C0ur$3 0f human 3v3nt$, it b3c0m3$ n3c3$$ary f0r 0n3 p30pl3 2diz$0lv3 t3h p0litical band$ which hav3 c0nn3ct3d t3hm with an0t3hr, and 2a$$um3 am0n6 t3h p0w3r$ 0f t3h 3arth, t3h $3parat3 and 3qual $tati0n 2which t3h Law$ 0f Natur3 and 0f Natur3'$ 60d 3ntitl3 t3hm, a d3c3nt r3$p3ct 2t3h 0pini0n$ 0f mankind r3quir3$ that t3hy $h0uld d3clar3 t3h cau$3$ which imp3l t3hm 2t3h $3parati0n.
W3 h0ld t3h$3 truth$ 2b3 $3lf-3vid3nt, that all m3n ar3 cr3at3d 3qual, that t3hy ar3 3nd0w3d by t3hir Cr3at0r with c3rtain unali3nabl3 Ri6ht$, that am0n6 t3h$3 ar3 Lif3, Lib3rty and t3h pur$uit 0f Happin3$$.--That 2$3cur3 t3h$3 ri6ht$, 60v3rnm3nt$ ar3 in$titut3d am0n6 M3n, d3rivin6 t3hir ju$t p0w3r$ fr0m t3h c0n$3nt 0f t3h 60v3rn3d, --That wh3n3v3r any F0rm 0f 60v3rnm3nt b3c0m3$ d3$tructiv3 0f t3h$3 3nd$, it iz t3h Ri6ht 0f t3h P30pl3 2alt3r 0r 2ab0lizh it, and 2in$titut3 n3w 60v3rnm3nt, layin6 it$ f0undati0n 0n $uch principl3$ and 0r6anizin6 it$ p0w3r$ in $uch f0rm, a$ 2t3hm $hall $33m m0$t lik3ly 23ff3ct t3hir $af3ty and Happin3$$. Prud3nc3, ind33d, will dictat3 that 60v3rnm3nt$ l0n6 3$tablizh3d $h0uld n0t b3 chan63d f0r li6ht and tran$i3nt cau$3$; and acc0rdin6ly all 3xp3ri3nc3 hath $h3wn, that mankind ar3 m0r3 dizp0$3d 2$uff3r, whil3 3vil$ ar3 $uff3rabl3, than 2ri6ht t3hm$3lv3$ by ab0lizhin6 t3h f0rm$ 2which t3hy ar3 accu$t0m3d. But wh3n a l0n6 train 0f abu$3$ and u$urpati0n$, pur$uin6 invariably t3h $am3 0bj3ct 3vinc3$ a d3$i6n 2r3duc3 t3hm und3r ab$0lut3 D3$p0tizm, it iz t3hir ri6ht, it iz t3hir duty, 2thr0w 0ff $uch 60v3rnm3nt, and 2pr0vid3 n3w 6uard$ f0r t3hir futur3 $3curity.--$uch haz b33n t3h pati3nt $uff3ranc3 0f t3h$3 C0l0ni3$; and $uch iz n0w t3h n3c3$$ity which c0n$train$ t3hm 2alt3r t3hir f0rm3r $y$t3m$ 0f 60v3rnm3nt. T3h hizt0ry 0f t3h pr3$3nt Kin6 0f 6r3at Britain iz a hizt0ry 0f r3p3at3d injuri3$ and u$urpati0n$, all havin6 in dir3ct 0bj3ct t3h 3$tablizhm3nt 0f an ab$0lut3 Tyranny 0v3r t3h$3 $tat3$. 2pr0v3 thiz, l3t Fact$ b3 $ubmitt3d 2a candid w0rld.

H3 haz r3fu$3d hiz A$$3nt 2Law$, t3h m0$t wh0l3$0m3 and n3c3$$ary f0r t3h public 600d.

H3 haz f0rbidd3n hiz 60v3rn0r$ 2pa$$ Law$ 0f imm3diat3 and pr3$$in6 imp0rtanc3, unl3$$ $u$p3nd3d in t3hir 0p3rati0n till hiz A$$3nt $h0uld b3 0btain3d; and wh3n $0 $u$p3nd3d, h3 haz utt3rly n36l3ct3d 2att3nd 2t3hm.
H3 haz r3fu$3d 2pa$$ 0t3hr Law$ f0r t3h acc0mm0dati0n 0f lar63 diztrict$ 0f p30pl3, unl3$$ th0$3 p30pl3 w0uld r3linquizh t3h ri6ht 0f R3pr3$3ntati0n in t3h L36izlatur3, a ri6ht in3$timabl3 2t3hm and f0rmidabl3 2tyrant$ 0nly.

H3 haz call3d t063t3hr l36izlativ3 b0di3$ at plac3$ unu$ual, unc0mf0rtabl3, and diztant fr0m t3h d3p0$it0ry 0f t3hir public R3c0rd$, f0r t3h $0l3 purp0$3 0f fati6uin6 t3hm in2c0mplianc3 with hiz m3a$ur3$.

H3 haz diz$0lv3d R3pr3$3ntativ3 H0u$3$ r3p3at3dly, f0r 0pp0$in6 with manly firmn3$$ hiz inva$i0n$ 0n t3h ri6ht$ 0f t3h p30pl3.

H3 haz r3fu$3d f0r a l0n6 tim3, aft3r $uch diz$0luti0n$, 2cau$3 0t3hr$ 2b3 3l3ct3d; wh3r3by t3h L36izlativ3 p0w3r$, incapabl3 0f Annihilati0n, hav3 r3turn3d 2t3h P30pl3 at lar63 f0r t3hir 3x3rciz3; t3h $tat3 r3mainin6 in t3h m3an tim3 3xp0$3d 2all t3h dan63r$ 0f inva$i0n fr0m with0ut, and c0nvul$i0n$ within.

H3 haz 3nd3av0ur3d 2pr3v3nt t3h p0pulati0n 0f t3h$3 $tat3$; f0r that purp0$3 0b$tructin6 t3h Law$ f0r Naturalizati0n 0f F0r3i6n3r$; r3fu$in6 2pa$$ 0t3hr$ 23nc0ura63 t3hir mi6rati0n$ hit3hr, and raizin6 t3h c0nditi0n$ 0f n3w Appr0priati0n$ 0f Land$.

H3 haz 0b$truct3d t3h Adminiztrati0n 0f Ju$tic3, by r3fu$in6 hiz A$$3nt 2Law$ f0r 3$tablizhin6 Judiciary p0w3r$.

H3 haz mad3 Jud63$ d3p3nd3nt 0n hiz Will al0n3, f0r t3h t3nur3 0f t3hir 0ffic3$, and t3h am0unt and paym3nt 0f t3hir $alari3$.

H3 haz 3r3ct3d a multitud3 0f N3w 0ffic3$, and $3nt hit3hr $warm$ 0f 0ffic3r$ 2harra$$ 0ur p30pl3, and 3at 0ut t3hir $ub$tanc3.

H3 haz k3pt am0n6 u$, in tim3$ 0f p3ac3, $tandin6 Armi3$ with0ut t3h C0n$3nt 0f 0ur l36izlatur3$.

H3 haz aff3ct3d 2r3nd3r t3h Military ind3p3nd3nt 0f and $up3ri0r 2t3h Civil p0w3r.

H3 haz c0mbin3d with 0t3hr$ 2$ubj3ct u$ 2a jurizdicti0n f0r3i6n 20ur c0n$tituti0n, and unackn0wl3d63d by 0ur law$; 6ivin6 hiz A$$3nt 2t3hir Act$ 0f pr3t3nd3d L36izlati0n:

F0r Quart3rin6 lar63 b0di3$ 0f arm3d tr00p$ am0n6 u$:
F0r pr0t3ctin6 t3hm, by a m0ck Trial, fr0m punizhm3nt f0r any Murd3r$ which t3hy $h0uld c0mmit 0n t3h Inhabitant$ 0f t3h$3 $tat3$:

F0r cuttin6 0ff 0ur Trad3 with all part$ 0f t3h w0rld:

F0r imp0$in6 Tax3$ 0n u$ with0ut 0ur C0n$3nt:

F0r d3privin6 u$ in many ca$3$, 0f t3h b3n3fit$ 0f Trial by Jury:

F0r tran$p0rtin6 u$ b3y0nd $3a$ 2b3 tri3d f0r pr3t3nd3d 0ff3nc3$

F0r ab0lizhin6 t3h fr33 $y$t3m 0f 3n6lizh Law$ in a n3i6hb0urin6 Pr0vinc3, 3$tablizhin6 t3hr3in an Arbitrary 60v3rnm3nt, and 3nlar6in6 it$ B0undari3$ $0 a$ 2r3nd3r it at 0nc3 an 3xampl3 and fit in$trum3nt f0r intr0ducin6 t3h $am3 ab$0lut3 rul3 in2t3h$3 C0l0ni3$:

F0r takin6 away 0ur Chart3r$, ab0lizhin6 0ur m0$t valuabl3 Law$, and alt3rin6 fundam3ntally t3h F0rm$ 0f 0ur 60v3rnm3nt$:

F0r $u$p3ndin6 0ur 0wn L36izlatur3$, and d3clarin6 t3hm$3lv3$ inv3$t3d with p0w3r 2l36izlat3 f0r u$ in all ca$3$ what$03v3r.

H3 haz abdicat3d 60v3rnm3nt h3r3, by d3clarin6 u$ 0ut 0f hiz Pr0t3cti0n and wa6in6 War a6ain$t u$.

H3 haz plund3r3d 0ur $3a$, rava63d 0ur C0a$t$, burnt 0ur t0wn$, and d3$tr0y3d t3h liv3$ 0f 0ur p30pl3.

H3 iz at thiz tim3 tran$p0rtin6 lar63 Armi3$ 0f f0r3i6n M3rc3nari3$ 2c0mpl3at t3h w0rk$ 0f d3ath, d3$0lati0n and tyranny, alr3ady b36un with circum$tanc3$ 0f Cru3lty & p3rfidy $carc3ly parall3l3d in t3h m0$t barbar0u$ a63$, and t0tally unw0rthy t3h H3ad 0f a civiliz3d nati0n.

H3 haz c0n$train3d 0ur f3ll0w Citiz3n$ tak3n Captiv3 0n t3h hi6h $3a$ 2b3ar Arm$ a6ain$t t3hir C0untry, 2b3c0m3 t3h 3x3cuti0n3r$ 0f t3hir fri3nd$ and Br3thr3n, 0r 2fall t3hm$3lv3$ by t3hir Hand$.

H3 haz 3xcit3d d0m3$tic in$urr3cti0n$ am0n6$t u$, and haz 3nd3av0ur3d 2brin6 0n t3h inhabitant$ 0f 0ur fr0nti3r$, t3h m3rcil3$$ Indian $ava63$, wh0$3 kn0wn rul3 0f warfar3, iz an undiztin6uizh3d d3$tructi0n 0f all a63$, $3x3$ and c0nditi0n$.
In 3v3ry $ta63 0f t3h$3 0ppr3$$i0n$ W3 hav3 P3titi0n3d f0r R3dr3$$ in t3h m0$t humbl3 t3rm$: 0ur r3p3at3d P3titi0n$ hav3 b33n an$w3r3d 0nly by r3p3at3d injury. A Princ3 wh0$3 charact3r iz thu$ mark3d by 3v3ry act which may d3fin3 a Tyrant, iz unfit 2b3 t3h rul3r 0f a fr33 p30pl3.

N0r hav3 W3 b33n wantin6 in att3nti0n$ 20ur Brittizh br3thr3n. W3 hav3 warn3d t3hm fr0m tim3 2tim3 0f att3mpt$ by t3hir l36izlatur3 23xt3nd an unwarrantabl3 jurizdicti0n 0v3r u$. W3 hav3 r3mind3d t3hm 0f t3h circum$tanc3$ 0f 0ur 3mi6rati0n and $3ttl3m3nt h3r3. W3 hav3 app3al3d 2t3hir nativ3 ju$tic3 and ma6nanimity, and w3 hav3 c0njur3d t3hm by t3h ti3$ 0f 0ur c0mm0n kindr3d 2dizav0w t3h$3 u$urpati0n$, which, w0uld in3vitably int3rrupt 0ur c0nn3cti0n$ and c0rr3$p0nd3nc3. T3hy 2 hav3 b33n d3af 2t3h v0ic3 0f ju$tic3 and 0f c0n$an6uinity. W3 mu$t, t3hr3f0r3, acqui3$c3 in t3h n3c3$$ity, which d3n0unc3$ 0ur $3parati0n, and h0ld t3hm, a$ w3 h0ld t3h r3$t 0f mankind, 3n3mi3$ in War, in P3ac3 Fri3nd$.

W3, t3hr3f0r3, t3h R3pr3$3ntativ3$ 0f t3h unit3d $tat3$ 0f Am3rica, in 63n3ral C0n6r3$$, A$$3mbl3d, app3alin6 2t3h $upr3m3 Jud63 0f t3h w0rld f0r t3h r3ctitud3 0f 0ur int3nti0n$, d0, in t3h Nam3, and by Auth0rity 0f t3h 600d P30pl3 0f t3h$3 C0l0ni3$, $0l3mnly publizh and d3clar3, That t3h$3 Unit3d C0l0ni3$ ar3, and 0f Ri6ht 0u6ht 2b3 Fr33 and Ind3p3nd3nt $tat3$; that t3hy ar3 Ab$0lv3d fr0m all All36ianc3 2t3h Britizh Cr0wn, and that all p0litical c0nn3cti0n b3tw33n t3hm and t3h $tat3 0f 6r3at Britain, iz and 0u6ht 2b3 t0tally diz$0lv3d; and that a$ Fr33 and Ind3p3nd3nt $tat3$, t3hy hav3 full P0w3r 2l3vy War, c0nclud3 P3ac3, c0ntract Allianc3$, 3$tablizh C0mm3rc3, and 2d0 all 0t3hr Act$ and Thin6$ which Ind3p3nd3nt $tat3$ may 0f ri6ht d0. And f0r t3h $upp0rt 0f thiz D3clarati0n, with a firm r3lianc3 0n t3h pr0t3cti0n 0f divin3 Pr0vid3nc3, w3 mutually pl3d63 23ach 0t3hr 0ur Liv3$, 0ur F0rtun3$ and 0ur $acr3d H0n0r.

TeraVex responds:

This is so incredibly based

i love every part of this, is a constant crecendo and the way it mixes the parts is really creative, i speacially like the chorus, but thats something very personal for everything else is just as epic

now this is what i call bussin bussin

Oh man, solid work by Larry on guitar! Really loved that progression! The various sounds that are implemented throughout the track work so well. The chanting as well made me feel like this will be used during an epic moment of the game! I can't wait for this OST to drop! Solid work you two!

Holy shit, good stuff 😎 love me some grooves in odd times! Sweet playing too!

Credits & Info

4.54 / 5.00

Apr 21, 2021
12:49 AM EDT
Video Game
File Info
8.3 MB
3 min 38 sec

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