Bullet get thru objects, Otherwise, nice game
*please don't use blue fullscreen button to avoid incorrect scaling
Made in 48 hours for GGJ2021 - Theme: Lost and found
2D Action platformer inspired by Katana Zero and Ape out.
You get lost and found for enemies around you, as well as the world gets for you, grab and throwing fast combat mixed with reality break ability.
GGJ site - https://globalgamejam.org/2021/games/alphazero-0
WASD - Movement
SPACE - Short/Long Jump
LMB (Hold) - Grab
LMB (Up) - Throw
SPACE/R - Respawn
Bullet get thru objects, Otherwise, nice game
Short. But enjoyable
uwu *kills u thru the floor cutely*
add a cooldown for the ability (like a second or so) because its so easily spammable that it takes the fun out of the game pwease add a second cooldown :)
you can soflock yourself on layers and snake can fix snake by going down or up without killing enimies maybe add wall jump or mabye ladders that you can go up and down on