Interesting story
I made This For Our Wedding Anniversaries.
I'm not Really Good at animation so i made it a Story-time video
So i can get my feet wet i really enjoyed it and i push myself to try and make look like anime. Since that all i'm really good at.
I would love some DEEP FEED BACK on how i can improve and make even better animation!
Please Check Out My art Work
I Only have A Twitter Instagram And Of Course Youtube
Interesting story
The overall animation was good, but the narrator can't change her voice tone accordingly to the text emotions that not surprisingly change. Same for the music.
This is a valved point. I'll keep that in mind when i do more voice work. I'm not really sure what i can about music since i'm no export i can proudly not add music next time LOL. But Thank for the feed back!
"and then i realize the bag was empty" god damn that killed me, i know that boy got killed that night
Well that was fun. :) How the little things turn into big things... relatable relationship raffles. Yeah.