resolví el primero, con eso ya me proclamo
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Sudoku is one of the most popular puzzles enjoyed by people all over. The objective is to fill a 9 by 9 grid with numbers from 1 to 9 such that no row,no column or 3 by 3 sub-grids have a repeating number. There can be more than 1 solution to a puzzle.
Have fun.
Made this in about a day. There is a possibility of adding more puzzles if anyone is interested. Bugs will be fixed ASAP.
Update 1 :: Added a scoreboard and basic stats tracker. Fixed the medal issue pointed out by Optimos( Scoreboard will accept scores automatically when you solve all the puzzles. It is very exclusive in that sense.
Update 2: I dont have the source project anymore, so there wont be any updates. Apologies for troubles.
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resolví el primero, con eso ya me proclamo
Some challenging puzzles in this game at first was hard to understand but figured it out, art and graphics is nice but could use some added effect, it is the little detail within the game itself That shined off very well so please do make even more down the road I look forward to even more of these types and had a fun experience with this game so nice work, and once again art and graphics is nice but could use some added effects
When doing this always click the number 0 so it highted you can click before and make it 10,,20,30 etc.
Ok I love me some sudoko with in the first few puzzles had all the medels except where you had to solve so many and ones from each group.
I like the game but 40 random boards gets repetive for most.
Flaws with the timing mechanic
What no medal for 30 solved?
If anyone's curious about the average time of 1 minute, I can assure you that I did this without hacking or cheating or whatever. The borders between the boxes are really unclear, so I had to take a screenshot of each level and draw on them using the snipping tool. When you've clicked off of the game, the timer pauses, so the only time I spent in game was entering in the numbers. I have no idea how long I actually spent on average for each level.
Does exactly what it says on the tin! Some challenging puzzles in there. Despite solving all of them I did not unlock the last 2 medals however...