snoring was gay
New from the creator of Star Wars: Dress A Twi'lek and Kittie: DGS Dress Up comes the first episode of Kittie: Dead Girl Superstar!
Featuring Osama Bin Laden, the Magic: The Gathering World Champion Jon Finkel, my friend Kevin "Mojo" Robinson for some reason and last but not least - Kittie!
I would like to thank:
Carona Ra 05
The Gang at
Joseph "Legendary Frog"
Sebastian "Sirkowski" Frechette
Michael "AtK" Kirkness
Madxhatr "Tommorow's Nobody"
Kittie Store:
snoring was gay
I know a couple of...
I know a couple of Magic Players that are like the last guy that showed up
uhhh, song..
hey dude. sorry, this isn't actually about this flash, was actually wondering if you could tell me the name of one of the songs you used in the the Kittie DGS dress up. that one about being nobodies and wanting to be somebody or something. I think it was the 3rd one. it was pretty rad. if you could e-mail me the name, i sure would be grateful. email me at thatspookybean@gmail
Please please make more Dead Girl Superstar movies! I was a huge fan of it when I was in the 8th grade and now that I'm in the 11th grade, it still ROX!
great flash
dude.... when you get a chance, u MUST send me that techno music you got playin, it kicks @$$!