This was awesome! :)
Poor Slender Man just cant seem to catch a break! If you'd like to see more short and funny animations like this one then be sure to visit youtube and click that subscribe button! This episode was written by Jeremy Sanchez and Camille Medina, check out their portfolios below for awesome art prints and for graphic design or animation service inquires
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For drawing tutorials and animation tips visit my tutorial channel bellow! I'll be uploading entirely new and WAY better quality videos soon!
All content, images, graphics, characters etc. featured in all GhoatToast Animation videos is the intellectual property of Jeremy Sanchez 2015 ©
This was awesome! :)
i thought he was actully gonna cook... and like fail...
I don't get it. What's the joke? What does rice have to do with anything?
Yeah! That was pretty cool! The flickering on the screen was a nice touch!
Slender sucks at rice. Nah anyway
Good animation though !