A basic game for 48 hour Ludum Dare 29. It could use better music and polish, now that the challenge is over.
Caves of Yeragr is a game made under 48h for Ludum Dare 29. Theme: Beneath the surface. This is a 'roguelike' kind of game, with 12 random generated rooms, that include position of blocks, monsters, loot, amount of loot, how much loot you get, it's new everytime, so you can get a crazy experience! Level up you character by killing monsters and get stronger to survive deeper rooms! As always my art fails but I tried. Please enjoy it if you can!
Update: Fixed game breaking bug after boss!
A basic game for 48 hour Ludum Dare 29. It could use better music and polish, now that the challenge is over.
Looks fun from the begining, but I can't actually do anything. To the right is an invisible wall, all the keys on my mouse and keyboard won't do anything, and to my left is a pure grey area. Nothing I can do, I am assuming these are just bugs so no low rating, but wish I could play.
A few bugs: Having issues with the stairs not appearing at all. If there's items to the right of you and you defeat all the enemies in the are, an invisible wall closes them off to you. The hit detection is really bad. Bugs aside, the music is annoying and the pixel art is uninspired, and the gameplay repetitive and unamusing when one has to reload the page an umpteenth time, all because you can't move forward. Overall it's a very vapid experience and would recommend overlooking Caves of Yeragr.
If I'm lucky, I can get to level 3 before the stairs appear on the right. There's an invisible wall stopping me from getting to the stairs. I think it moves as you attack the enemies. The others didn't mention this so is it just me getting this problem?
Well no one had this issue before, and I finished the game many times, but in any case I removed the x+/- collision limit.
I am voted ludm dare entrys, good but the bad is i cant kill the big monster
Thanks for your review, yeah the final boss is kinda tough to beat xD