you could added more medals and more sounds a little too generic.
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A Soundboard that shows off the talent of the Voice Actor: bigjonny13. Click and enjoy. Space bar stops all sounds!
you could added more medals and more sounds a little too generic.
no not good
Sound board as a game not so fun..Also I clicked every thing yet I could not find the 2nd achievement !
Fun game
You have a fun game here and I really liked the medals too but do think you could have added much more medals that would have made it kind of better but the game was fun and liked earning the medals, but anyways good game here you make some fun stuff, anyways nice work.
adding more medals would be a plus.
Pretty nice soundboard! Lots of suitable bits of audio to skim through... and medal to earn. :D I wonder about the practical use of stuff like this these days - prank calls seem like a fading fad but... good fun for a short while.