Simple, clever, challenging, witty and involving! Great work! One critique though - if you are going to put in multiple endings put in a reset / return to menu button!!!
5 Stars dude!
My entry for Ludum Dare 27 where the theme was "10 seconds". Little, short and kinda difficult game about two coworkers who work in a underwater lab. Then an accident happens and they must leave right away. The problem is you two only have one oxygen tank and no way to refill it. Ah! Also, your coworker Dave is unconscious. So you have to drag him around to help him breathe. You need him to activate buttons at same time to open the doors.
Check my entry on Ludum Dare at:
Simple, clever, challenging, witty and involving! Great work! One critique though - if you are going to put in multiple endings put in a reset / return to menu button!!!
5 Stars dude!
Thanks, man! Yeah, that's is a good idea. Last minute decisions are a pain. hehe Thanks for the tip.
I liked this game's concept. Make another full version instead of this stripped down Ludlum version.
Working on it. ;) Thanks for trying out!
I have to admit that is offers some quite of challenge and it does have an interesting idea, but the graphics are way too simplistic like the song, so it's hard to sympathise with. And I writing this review comparing to some beautiful games of the Ludum Dare.
I do agree with you that the graphics looks generic. I have no talent at that department and the limited time also contributed. But I think the music is perfect for the theme and mood of the game (not the competition). I'm planning in remake the game with proper time and polish now. Thanks for the feedback, I really appreciate it. ;)
Nice graphics considering the time of contest. I am not really sure if the game itself involves the topic.
Thanks! When you let Dave free, he only has 10 seconds of air. When you run out of oxygen, you have 10 seconds of air too. :) My goal was to try not to be too literal.
it dosent work is it me
What happens?