English version pending? Make it happen quick. :D
Hi fellas, i have been working on this a little big time ^^
I think the most important thing to say here is that i made this as a tribute for Vinnie Veritas an his works on CCC and Rush & Rush 2 .
You can find him here:
English version pending? Make it happen quick. :D
im lazy :3
I'm kinda surprised by the rating! There wasn't really a lot to it, but it was a nice little slideshow. :3
wow could have been longer but your work impreses me more every time you got talent something i wish i had for animation i practice but i dont come near you like good job hope you become a hit on newgrounds and hope the best for your series dirtown
i think its more entusiasm, or my personal goal for creating a world like that. you must love what you do :) try searching something you love, my friend!
5 estrellas para usted!
very nice animation!