This one is definitley better out of the two that youve done
tsk tsk tsk Andrzej
This is my first Flash animation that I made for computer studies. The task was self taught and had to be relevant to a rocket going to the moon. I don't know how to add music and make it stop at the end. if someone could comment how to do that it would be greatly appreciated
This one is definitley better out of the two that youve done
tsk tsk tsk Andrzej
Crappily animated, but... least it kinda went somewhere with regards to story, even if that somewhere was a bit lame. On the plus side, monkeys are always funny!
I think you should keep it up, on the condition that you strive to improve!
About time he gets kamakazi'd by a chimp
This flash is basically a blueprint of world peace!! Thanks Octopopey!!!