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Revert to Growth 2

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I haven't submitted anything to Newgrounds in a while, but here is something fun to play! This game has tons more awesome than the first one, with 3 different environments that each have their own playstyle.

JordanD did an awesome job on the art, and DVGmusic (with an assist by Symphony of Specters) did a great job on the audio. A big shout out to those guys.

/*EDIT*/ - FRONTPAGE! A great many thanks to Mr. Fulp for doing this.

//*EDIT*// The user levels aren't working anymore, due to the service I was using for the user generated levels going out of business. Bummer.

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Brilliant concept, awesome visuals and sound. Definitely a fave in my books; love puzzles XD

AethosGames responds:

Thanks :)

I don't really enjoy brain busting games

But I have a tendency of finishing a game I've started so I just HAD to finish this one. I liked the concept and it's executed quite nicely. There's just one thing I'd like to mention though. On the last tundra level, there are four blocks of ice(three 1x1 and one 2x2) on the very top left corner that are a little annoying to manipulate. Your intention was to have the the 2x2 block be pushed by the other three so they go over the edge, but the problem lies in pushing the last block(a 1x1).

There are technically three ways in to move those blocks:

You can push the 2x2 block and two 1x1 blocks with the a arrow. No matter how you push them though, there's always one block left that needs to be pushed by the b arrow. Therein lies the problem. When you hover your mouse in that little corner it ONLY lets you use the C arrow, which is quite useless since that only brings the block up and there's no way to push it down. The only way I was able to beat it was by frustratingly clicking the little corner until the b arrow finally decided to work. That was the only quirk for me. A possible solution would be to make the A arrow ungrowable ground so it doesn't show up as an option when you hover the plant thing on it.

I don't know if I made myself clear, but, great game otherwise. Not my preferred genre though.

One pushes them all up and shatters the three small blocks, one push

AethosGames responds:

That particular puzzle works by blocking the c arrow by growing the a arrow first. That will make the c unable to grow and make b the only option. Thanks for playing :)

trying to contact you.

hello jordan, whether or not you remember me, but i was one of your first reveiws on the animation of thoughts.
My name is Michael Zwiggelaar, and at the time of the reveiw i was 17, however now i am 18... and thankfully have stumbled upon or website (by accident), or for a purppose, and have started veiwing your videos since 1. thoughts...
its funny how so far everything that you seem to be speaking of, or showing visual aid of, ive seen in my mind, imagend as a child, or drawn/ doodles in my sketch books (not everything) but most... and ironicly, if it can be depicted as such... i am an indigo, and have allways known this... My dreams that i have our pure connections with a what would be astral community (grid), and i know this.. Willingly subjecting myself to channeling. I meditate, and tend to only do this when im in the water element, (my sign is cancer). Now i dont want to seem like im fll of myself, but everyday i realize more and more about the public reality that is of not realizing what they see, or the dumbed down suroundings that we call media, and music.
Pardon my spelling errors, if any are noticible, but i have a short attention span to correctness and like inventing my own words when ever possible, typically taking laten or french, and mixing it with education vocabulary that the common man doesnt comprehend, resulting in a word that makes sence to the listner, but not typically allowing the veiwer the circumstance of repeating the phrase....
Sorry, im kinda babbling but im really exited to be in contact, and since found your video... It truelly kept me up from getting to sleep for work tomorow, and allowed me to subject myself to a reality that ive been pushiing down in order to (construct my life), for future goals. That honestly, i have no desire to achieve, im a natural healer.. i do energy balancing, and am thinking of learning reiki. or some for of phyciatry proffesion. However i am also an artist who is fully intuned with my musical, drawing, and imaginative worlds. I love day dreamning, and can have time pass faster then thought possible creating films, events, or subject matter in my mind that ill never draw out for the sake of my own sanctuary that ive created... however ive allso has the same vission, that i can pin point in todays life.... most of which seem to be, one way or another chained by mirrors.... and i have tremendious issues solving these puzzles. that last time i tried, it resulted in me almost getting sucked out of my present reality into a mirror, with a dead soldier behind it, who grabed me, pulled me towards the surface the glass the only thing keeping me from going through, opening its mouth and making me make a howling noise that i cant explain, it sounded like death of a soul.... if it makes sence, (if the idea of a dementor from harry potter makes sence, this was doing the same thing), and i woke up making the same sound, however thankfully it was my lil kid brother (a crystal) who woke me from this trance...
anyway, ive had many experiences like this, and would love to share more with you over a possible disscusion, and i hope that you contact me back.

If you are interested, my skype is the fallowing
or if email, is more prefurable - zwiggy@live.ca

anyway, hope to hear from you soon.
Michael Arthur Jan Zwiggelaar
(although i prefure mathayaes)

AethosGames responds:

If you are trying to get in contact with Jordan, I think a PM would be easier and more suitable since he can't respond to comments on my game, and this area is meant to be for game feedback.


I played from a laptop, and I did just fine.
All in all, I didn't see any faults in this game, and it was a big step above the first Revert to Growth with plenty of new features.

AethosGames responds:

I developed the game on a laptop and by my par times, I seem to have done just fine, yeah :)

it kept my attention

i enjoyed it !

Credits & Info

4.21 / 5.00

Sep 2, 2011
3:18 PM EDT