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Problems with Wands

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Author Comments

This is my second animation and this time I'm trying something with a story.

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animation is fantasic, but like every one was saying the story could use work. next time write up something and let a few of your friends read it and just listen, does it sound natural? and get your friends to give input. once you have the story you will be a great animator. there is a saying that goes " a shitty script makes a shitty movie" as blunt as that is but its true. one last thing when you do a sprite animation try to get sprites that all match, i mean you have a 8-bit seal and toad but a 16-bit mario it just looks weird

looking forward to future work


This drags on a bit, and isn't too funny. Also, why does Mario not have an Italian accent? Even if it was offensively bad, it would be better than this.


I gave it a vote of 5 because of the seal :DD so try make the seal do more stuff, make his own little miniseries, etc ;)


What this movie lacks in tasteful humor, it makes up for in animation that's pretty professional.

Loop the Loop, Don't Loop the Loop!

You might want to consider adding a Play and Replay button at the beginning and end of the animation for future submissions ...just a suggestion.

Otherwise, this is pretty good ...it didn't make me chuckle, but that's just because I'm jaded that way :|

Credits & Info

4.22 / 5.00

Jun 19, 2011
8:21 AM EDT