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Author Comments

I always see anti-clock movies on the portal all the time, but most of them actually suck just as much as the clock crew cartoons so I decided to set a good exacmple for all those anti-clockers out there. I hope I got the preloader right. PS: Maybe some of you could vote one higher than you are going to on account that all the clocks will probably give me a 0.

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By far one of the better Anti-Clock movies.

Good job on dissing the clocks, dude. Make some more, and maybe add some talking or something. All in all, good work. Thanks for being anti-clock.(=3/5.

Craooy Cartoons get Crappy Reviews

So this should come as no suprise.

It needs to be said.

First, I'd like to thank one reviewer for his misuse of the phrase faux pas as a pitiful attempt to try and sound intelligent. A faux pas is an unintentional social blunder, not the making of a cartoon that YOU feel is a social blunder. Please think before you condescend. Then I'll congratulate another reviewer for sharing his LOFTY goals of becoming a clock so more people on Newgrounds can bask in the glow of his obvious brilliance. "You have been warned." And threatening the author of this cartoon, that's very mature.
As for this cartoon, it was great, thanks for making it.
Clock cartoons suck. People make cartoons against them because otherwise no one listens. Clocks don't vote fairly, they vote up each other's crappy submissions and use a vast network of fellow-bad-animators and ignorant supporters to keep their stuff online. As a Newgrounds member, I am offended by the massive amounts of crap that stays on the site merely by association to the clock crew. So thank you for making this cartoon, because every attack on the clocks brings Newgrounds a step closer to being a better place.

death to the clock crew

dude, awsome flash; and even beter meaning. clock crew isnt funny and has nothing interesting at all. it sucks, and yet ignorant newgrounds members love it. good animation, make more anti cc flash!

it was ok for an anit-clock thing

but, you should state reasons why you hate them, and crap like that. i like the preloader, it was pretty funny.

Credits & Info

3.20 / 5.00

Jun 28, 2002
7:44 PM EDT
  • Daily 3rd Place June 28, 2002