Oh wow
I thought he was really going to explode in the end... 10/10 for making me shit my pants laughing!!
This flash is basically a summary of Political Ads in America. In each commercial, I learned nothing about the candidate they were supporting, but I learned a shit ton of bad things about their opponent; whether the information was true or not.
I hate Politics; don't you?
PS: Be careful; it might get loud.
Edit: Changed the preloader a bit and fixed a few things.
Edit: Thank you for the front page! Sorry gaiz hafta see anotha political ad mai bad :C
Oh wow
I thought he was really going to explode in the end... 10/10 for making me shit my pants laughing!!
Kewl. And a 100% true...
lol he was imaginig sucking a dick.
prostitution over constitution XD
Instant 10 and 5 for truthfulness.
It is actually because of these piles of garbage ads that I only voted for the people who DIDN'T put out TV pol-ads.