Nice concept, love there type of games
need some short cut keys that are better placed. Im a big starcraft fan and RTS in general so i liked this one
Go to /portal/view/573373 for the new game
Nice concept, love there type of games
need some short cut keys that are better placed. Im a big starcraft fan and RTS in general so i liked this one
cant really play it cos my machine is reeeal slow - but it looks promising and u´ll get 8pts for including Megadeth!!
Great for a little while
like everyone else, the i think the intro was a little long and it should be skip-able
the gameplay had a moderately decent build up from getting small weak units in the first levels to getting the massive cruisers halfway through but it needs more variety. different units for each player. possibly upgrades? also more music and soundtracks would be nice
I'd love to see you put out an updated version of this game, it shows terrific promise
Aw maaaaan ...
The intro looked awsome and intense, I started the tutorial and then it said,
"Use your mousewheel to zoom in"
My mousewheel is broken :L
Im hoping that theres a hotkey or something to zoom in? If so, I'm screwed.
(I havn't rated outta 5 yet, coz its not your fault it broke, and that would be really harsh. If there IS a hotkey, I will vote 5, this game looks really cool)
wow, I haven't seen many good RTS games on ng.. and this is one of the better ones in my opinions, sure it could use some improvements but I really like the concept. It's not too hard, yet entertaining. good variety of ships too. maybe polish up the graphics a bit? they are good already but hey, better graphics, better game.
thanks for sharing, I really like this, Now if u'll excuse me, I will continue with level 3 lol.. Keep it up!