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This is a collection of rage from a Counter Strike Source clan called Middle Aged Gamers.

You probably wont find this animation funny or interesting but I thought I would upload it here.

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Wow, You brits can curse.

This was pretty good for 3 reasons. One the audio was pretty clean, I could understand most of what they were saying. Some of the guys accents were thick, so I thought a subtitle opiton would be nice for us stupid americans to get what they were talking about. 2 Family Guy style with Gordon Freeman, period. 3 everything was synced and given style so much that I laughed at the blow up doll.

Nice one.

You combined Family Guy and the "so annoying it's funny" ventrilo conversations in the perfect way!

not bad

i sense a lack of smooth moves in all your characters
i found it a little funny and liked the way you made the art, even if its just somekind of copy from family guy.

Ahhh yes

Hahaha ventrilo conversations, and Counter Strike. Brings back some good memories.


ventrilo conversation are always so dry o_o

Credits & Info

4.50 / 5.00

Jul 1, 2009
8:53 PM EDT