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N. Korea Rocket Victory !

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Today North Korea launch rocket into space. Is part of peaceful space development program. Do not believe Capitalist Empire Lies !!! Today you can finally hear melodies of Dear Leader Kim Jong Il and Spirit of Kim Il Sung anywhere because of satellite. Who needs food when you have power?!?! Sing!!!!!!

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"우리 수령동지가 미사일 발싸에 성공하셨습네다!"


Well a funny video here, the animation was smooth and seemed to work well the cute music and all, also seem to work so nice job here and like these wacky style stuff, anyways great stuff you have here, hope to see more of these types in the near future.

More different scenes would be one way of changing it up.


Koreans to say, North Korea, annoying
Naro rocket always broken

North korean retards.

The caption says "Successful Missile Launching". Fücking retar.ded ass-mo.ron Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong Il. Now with fat-asse.d Kim Jong Eun on the reigns, there will be MORE food shortage in North Korea cuz the pig will be eating all the food the UN gives. Besides, I can't really friggin` understand why the UN gives out hundreds of tons of rice and rations to those retar.d-ass pig-cock-suck!ng sons of b!tches even if they know that all those goes into military not the civilians in need? I'd rather give all those to OTHER people in need like in Africa and Ethiopia who actually helped the South Koreans in their most critical times and died for them. The reason why, I mean how the N. Koreans keeps on developing sh!t like nukes is because we keep on feeding them! For christ fücking sake! Stop feeding those retar.ds!

Good Video

Screw North Korea

South Korea FTW!!!

Credits & Info

4.05 / 5.00

Apr 5, 2009
8:07 PM EDT