Ce n'est pas génial mais c'est bon :)
It's a school project. I had to make a publicity.
I hope that you'll like it!
ooohh! For smokers, don't take it personally! :P
Thanks for watching!
... a lot of people don't understand the message...
The cigarettes represents PEOPLE who don't smoke. The message is that smokers affect their lives too. secondary smoke.
Ce n'est pas génial mais c'est bon :)
I think I get it <3 you mean "stop smoking you hurt others around you" am I right?
Fuck yea! :P
Are you saying?
You smoking is your own choice but the people around you are smoking to (passive) hence "you are smoking other peoples lives".
Wait, what?
It's an anti-smoking message... based on pity for the cigarettes themselves? I'm not sure how much sense that makes...
You should try to understand the second degree of what you watch
That really sad man... really sad...
nice work!!! (good thing im not smoking XD)