Not Funny
So this is a little quickie i decided to do on a whim. The idea just popped into my head and i couldn't get it out, so i decided to share it with you guys.
i used random kid number A, and a character based off of my japanese/science teacher Mr. Last, who's been quite supportive of my flashes.
to be honest, i finished it this morning, but i'm not submitting it until now cuz of popularity :D
Now watch, and enjoy cold drink.
edit: fixed replay button. for thos eof you knowledgable enough with flash to know what im talking about, i changed it into a button after it was already a movie clip, so the instance was still in the movie clip form.
Not Funny
your review confuses me.
im scared now
be afraid
Well in that case. . .
Shouldn't people respect Terrorism? Nice flash, work on animation, make the jokes lolier
ewww you're into loli?
god , i never laugh.its impossible.
you made the impossible.close flash portal,this is the best movie ever.EDN.
you makey me happy.
totally didnt see that coming, i laughed so hard. theres even a picture of the two on the wall, even that was funny!!haha... some people might not like it, but it was kind of funny how the kid just pops up, and then the dad comes up. i love the kids face when the dad is laughing!!
i like it
at least SOMEONE finds this funny >:(