whats with the lips randomly appearing on the top left?????
So i got really really hyper one day and decided to create Jenaya the Java Junkie.
If people seem to like it I am thinking about creating more.
Enjoy :)
whats with the lips randomly appearing on the top left?????
dude you got some harsh skoring going here, nice flash
btw make the jugs a tad less droopy plz XDD
<.< + >.>
= <.> weird isnt it <:D
*sweatdrop* kay...
ok.... hyper........
im not sure wat to give it..
i love spontainious things so 10/10
the voice was quiet and the music was loud and the animation was rubbish 0/10
so i give it 5/10
Thanks... I think...
I fixed the music thing like right after I posted it, i just haven't updated yet..sry...
And I must agree with the animation thing...I need to start working in a higher framerate and spend and not get so lazy... I'm still learning...<.< ... >.> :)