My favorite!!!
thanks so much, everyone. i tied for first place in the 5,000 dollar yearly prize :P 2500 dollars, plus the 100 for the month of november. thanks everyone!!! Thanks !!!
i have won the 100 dollar monthly prize! thanks everyone for your help. i'll be updating again to let you know about the 5,000 dollar prize for the year.
I made this in hopes to win 5,000 dollars. if you go to the or and view the other submissions, you'll see why i think i can win with this.
please go rate this on youtube also, because i REALLY need this money so i dont have to repo my car. thanks everyone, and ENJOY. be sure to review.
My favorite!!!
Hey bro!
great job with the ad, and great job tying for first place! $2,600 is yours! (Including the November prize of course...)
dude, nobody is supposed to know that yet!!! holy crap!!!
do it to it!
your gonna win!! great job!
thanks fo tha support, eva girl
I hope you win the contest!
I liked the drawings, they aren't "real-life," but they are your own cartoon style. Good animation, funny script, original idea. I've watched the other submissions and they are lame-O, so hopefully the judges have enough sense to see yours is the best.
thanks, dawg, you're a real pal!!!
This is an ad.
I understand there's some sort of contest, but who's dumb enough to use these scam auction websites? Put your junk on Craigslist for free, and don't bother us with an ad.
i'm not bothering you or trying to convince you anything. you should review my MOVIE QUALITY, STORY, and RELEVANCE to PURPOSE, not talk me down for something i did as a favor to my mother, who is "DUMB ENOUGH TO USE THESE SCAM AUCTION WEBSITES," thank you very much. plus you did not offer any useful advice other than a COUNTER AD for Craigslist, which makes your statements redundant and hippicritical. thanks for the review anyways, and if i got a zero, then i deserve a zero. just dont be a jerk about it. give me the zero, some advice, and keep your comments to yourself.