Really cool, creepy as F! Way too long to be a show intro though. Trailer, perfect, but not as an intro - 20secs tops.
Coming Soon: A New Animation for "Kollaps von der Roboter".
Really cool, creepy as F! Way too long to be a show intro though. Trailer, perfect, but not as an intro - 20secs tops.
lol antanae legs
he used the tv antanae for legs XD
Thats some trippy shit!!! but... i like it for some reason...
It's great,
but makes you think,
Could this have been an ifanate loop,
The Green guy did this for his TV and eventualy went to get some legs,
so now the Blu guys going to stumble of to et some new Tv antena legs for himself.
Then the guy he takes the TV antena legs off Will chp off his legs for TV
And so on and so forth .
The infanet loop thus Remains infanate.
You people Say ''Now, I no longer watch as much TV.''
Wel thats well and good But isnt the use of internet exactly the same,
Mabie now you don't watch so much TV you play on the computer more.
Isnt a computer moniter just a TV showing different thing.
And one last thing,
Seans as we'v astablished you usage of the intornet, What extent would you go to to Save you conection?
PM me,
I realy would like to know.
Cool video.
Love t as usual, but first, someplaceelse... You're an idiot! You just described the movie... Anyone who watches it understands immediately what you spent hours typing (I say hours because you probably are slightly challenged in the coordination department). It's not solely about the aesthetics of what's happening in the movie. It's also about the underlying meaning that you get from the text, which could be different for everyone. I think I agree with caffene though. It's about our addiction to television and media and even technology, and how we'd do anything to preserve them, while others, possibly in poorer environments, feel that basic needs are more important i.e the green bird just wants to be able to walk, while the blue bird would sacrifice this to feed his addiction. It's really clever, and as always kol-belov... You da man!