Name: Alpha 2's only hope
random I'm bored
This is an Alpha test of my flash game. There is still lots to go. The only reason I put it up was to test my loading system. There are some things I would like the public to decide on as well.
1) Name for the game, must be related to sniping and not taken.
2) Levels, describe any awesome scenario and it may end up in the game.
3) Concepts, what should be added (or removed) to the game.
I would love to hear any comments...negative or otherwise.
Instructions...seeing as I haven't put them in yet...I'm slack.
Space = Zoom
Shift = Zoom amount
There is only one level (again I'm slack)
Please don't kill me cause of this!
P.S. Lights are destructible and oil can be explosive...try it out and see what happens!
Name: Alpha 2's only hope
random I'm bored
its fun,so GREAT GAME!You dont have to submit the game to the web to see if the preloader works!Once testing (if you have flash 8,I think)select view>Simulate Download or Ctrl+Enter!
Meh....I also wanted to get a reaction from the web to see if it was worth continuing...and I don't really trust the simulation that much.
the only problem is that the shot lags
It's the reload...I just haven't fine tuned it...
Good idea
You shold make a ridiculous level resembling a rube goldberg, that, if done with good timing, will kill target.
i think
you should take away that blur effect
and start zoomed out more