I like it
That was funny man, I wish it had been longer. Maybe the arrow to the boobs was a bit unnecessary, we all got that joke. Volume was a bit low, but you spoke the monologue very well. Keep it up!
One night I decided to animate one of my friend's comics. Most of the artwork is his, but the animation and voicing is mine. He approved.
You can peruse his artwork at his deviantArt site: http://angrybox.deviantar t.com/
Update: I appreciate the positive comments, everybody! I admit that the animation is short. The original comic was only 4 panels long, afterall. This was just a test to see how well I could adapt his work into animation.
I like it
That was funny man, I wish it had been longer. Maybe the arrow to the boobs was a bit unnecessary, we all got that joke. Volume was a bit low, but you spoke the monologue very well. Keep it up!
Short and Sweet
haha, it was pretty humorous. could've been a LITTLE longer though. And the volume was kinda low. Had to turn my speakers on full to hear it.
Needs to be Longer and louder
Thats all. color might be nice, but not nessicary. You really cant hear it unless you have you speakers pretty loud\
Great ending!
The end of that was rather unexpected. I found it quite amusing. =]
hey not bad
I like it. More attention to the animation would be cool, but other than that, it's pretty damn funny. You and your friend make a good team.