Hey, this is pretty good.
Haha, the ending got a chuckle out of me. Not the best I've seen, but nice work all the same.
There is a Menu button in the lower left corner. You'll have to hover the mouse over it to see it.
Also there are two easter eggs. If you find one and don't know how to resume the movie, DON'T PANIC!
There is a continue button in the same place as the menu button was.
I've worked on this for about two months, and it's embarrassingly short.
I didn't put much thought into story or dialogue as this was supposed to be a short training animation.
What I did put some thought into, though, was the visuals and interactivity.
Well it's not great. It doesn't have a good story-line and the dialogue is clishéish.
Still I've learned a lot while making this. E.g I used camera movement without using the V-Cam(!!!).
Also I made some of the songs myself.
Well that's about it. Enjoy!
Hey, this is pretty good.
Haha, the ending got a chuckle out of me. Not the best I've seen, but nice work all the same.
He-hey! A review! :D
I know, it's mediocre at best, but I'm still fairly content, since I put a lot of effort into it. :)
Not as cool as SMBZ or anything though. :P
Thanks for the review!
very good
and right after Knux said he and Rouge could be a couple too... it was very good plz make a sequel!
Eh I dunno, maybe in a distant future. In a galaxy far away...
I might work on other sprite animations later.
Thanx for reviewing!
O_o awsome
i like it alot! whered u finr those sprites
Got them from a number of places. Mystical Forest Zone is the place where I got the most of them, but there may have been other places that I can't seem to recall.
Thanx for the fave and the review!
that was awesome!!!
but what happened to knuckles??? did he die or live. it left me hanging. oh well. 5/5 and 10/10
Well he didn't die, but what happened to the emerald was left unspecified. It kinda left the possibility of a sequel hanging in the air.
Thanx for reviewing and for the awesome score and rating!
Very nice!
Im not really into sprites but still.. wow!I can teight scenell you put quite a bit of effort into the fight scene. That twas ma fave part!so 4/5 and 8.5 outta ten so yeah.
Now all you gotta do is wait 4 me ta finish my anim...
Yeah there's no rush though.
Please try to find at least one of the easter eggs, I think you might enjoy 'em!
(They're not sprite related)
And thanx for the score and comments!