um... umm... uh...
ok, then... that's nice. i liked it somewhat... uh... bye now...
this has a very small ep.2 but also ep.1 with it
the e.p 2 is not achley a normal sized e.p but i made that to go with ythe begining so i can use the begining in evrey e.p
um... umm... uh...
ok, then... that's nice. i liked it somewhat... uh... bye now...
... huh
not that great, but i like the idea of a mouse killing people, u should make it longer though
needs sound and for some reason i can move slasher's head and the guy's head from the first episode
Good, but very rough.
Th only problem, aside from the shortness, is that it is rough and the mouse and items move weird. If the items and coursor moved smoother, and it was way longer (5 min.+) than it would be really cool, and would have a place right next to other madness movies.
good ep but i think u should take out the parts when it says end 2 ep 2.....
you dont need tht
overal good yet agane short maby spend more time on your flashes