Pretty great!Hope to see more! ^^
this is episode 1 of many to come. ENJOY!
Pretty great!Hope to see more! ^^
Wayyyyyyyy better than smbz, this flash is awesome, can't wait for the next :D
make it more longer this time thats too short
I'm disapointed
This flash was way too short, not even much of a Z series to me, pac-man in mario's world? the sound for pac-man is WAY TOO loud! plus the opening theme is hard to hear. the text needs to be more clear. look at alvin-earthworm's work. he di Super Mario Bros Z. i like it! why don't you watch it and see how HE does it.
I gave this submission a vote of "1"
...cause you were too lazy to even animate a fight scene!
I didnt mind this movie... but the fight scene would have made it a LOT better!
next time add the fight scene pls! thank you!
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