Flash wont take answers
When ever i have the correct answer and press "Go" it wont take the answer
please try to fix this to make the game enjoyable.
AriTheGreat is the first one who beat this game! Check it out the credit
P.S. Read instructions, no capitals letters and no space.
Play in Medium Quality if you don't have a good memory( go to the menu with 'O')
Finaly the real enigma is done with more musics, ingenious questions, ect...
The enigmas are about those games:
2.Final Fantasy
4.Tales of Symphonia
10 questions of each.
Try to got 50/50, you can be in my credits!
Have fun!!!
Flash wont take answers
When ever i have the correct answer and press "Go" it wont take the answer
please try to fix this to make the game enjoyable.
I'm sure that you wrote Capital letters or/and spaces.
For example, the first one (code:zixi)
it's zelda, not Zelda or ZELDA.
Read instructions before vote 3/10 on this.
Thank you, Darkjay.
You need to work on your flash skills.
Yeah, this was a lot of fun to beat.
Guys, if you can't solve one, try using wikipedia or google. If they don't work, a lot of the questions are trick questions, try to click around. For several of them, the answer isn't an actual word, you just need to figure it out with the clues provided.
If I can do it, so can you guys ^^
...really fun, i have 36 of them done so far, im hopin to get on that first five to be done list! lol i hope u make another!
I love it.
I spent a good four hours on it and I can't figure out numbers- 16, 19, 22, 23, 24, 25, 30, 34, 39. I have 41 total. I wish I had made it to 50 =[ .
Still very good overall. Those spam/flamers just don't have the patience for this game. I'd like to see another =].
Thx a lot, I enjoy you like it!