Haha drug mushroom
The link in the description without the spaces: https://www.deviantart.com/larry-inc/art/Super-Random-World-63773414 (I think you need a flash player after downloading it)
a quick mario cartoon i made in swish max its a prevew of a upcoming cartoon so thats my the title screan sez super randome world
edit: http://larry-inc.devianta rt.com/art/super-random-w orld-63773414 is the full vershon the file is 24 mb
and to get it a smaller size most of the scechis would be deletet leving 2
edit:i aded more stuff
Haha drug mushroom
The link in the description without the spaces: https://www.deviantart.com/larry-inc/art/Super-Random-World-63773414 (I think you need a flash player after downloading it)
not to good. six is a fair rating.
the luigi part was funny
I can see you got an idea from ROBOT CHICKEN, DID YOU?? O.o