what happened 2 logfish did he die or something or did real life get more important? :( its been 3-4 years since he did anything on ng
In the style of Max Payne and Sin City this first episode sets some scene for what I might do in the future. I had a really great time making this movie and I hope you enjoy it - if you're not up for watching it all, rewind and skip to the 4th scene - it's a kickass 2 minute action sequence using some of the best Swift3D could throw in there and it kicks my ass.
Note: Couldn't get the sound to stay in sync no matter what I did unless I had the quality at 16kps, so it's at 16kps - sorry! Bites my balls I had to do that.
Please let me know what you thought, and any areas you think I could improve for future episodes - I WILL reply - cheers!
what happened 2 logfish did he die or something or did real life get more important? :( its been 3-4 years since he did anything on ng
Decent good action...just not the same
I'll admit its very good still don't think its as up to par with your previous work but i'll say the 3D is very nicely done and the action it well written.
A 3.89 score?! It should have at least a 4.30 score! This is one fantastic piece of work, from an incredibly talented author. Keep up the good work buddy, and your gonna get far with this!
loved ur idea and stuff
ur idea and stuff are great but the animation is kinda sucky compared to ur Starcraft ones.
its pretty good, but you should add some better background, and theres no color besides explosions and the enemies gun (sometimes) well... there r some improvements you could make but this was a pure example of classic pwnage :D