Okayfor a Phoenix Wright spoof. SO the bar is set low on the quality of these flashes which passed.
Update: For all those who decide to check out my old work, and see this and realize what crap this is, it was done in one night, with no sleep, and i'm not even proud of it...
Please take in mind that I didn't have time to record any voices and that it is only a school project...
Okayfor a Phoenix Wright spoof. SO the bar is set low on the quality of these flashes which passed.
I think this animation has a lot of things going for it, it has appropriate music that really sets the mood, and it has great drawings. On the other hand, there IS a LOT of writing which most of us wouldn't have the patience for, especially since it's Macbeth, which is a great play btw, but hard to understand for most. But since, that is the theme of this animation, I can't really dock too many points off, so I gave it a 3/5.
not my cup of T.
no. i dint like that atall. it was too hard to read and the animation was poor.
yes i see the fact it was for school but why did you put it on newground any way maybe if you added sound and some more improvements then you could improve this flash alot more
it was ok
it was a great idea but it had no sound, very simple animation, and WAY too much writing.
nice try.