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Gravity V.0

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Author Comments

I must admit a good achievement for a 12 year old.
(c) Ultra two 2007

Finally, something both good and quick to make.
This is a bit short V.1 will have like 50 lvls (not 10).

Please write reviews, I want to know which areas to work in.

Ideas for Gravity V.1:(can't promise all)
50 lvls(or more)
Enemys(that follow you)
Motion (like ball spining)
Power ups
Magnets and fans

Ideas for V.2:(things that won't be in V.1 but I may use later)
3 music tracks and mute option

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i like it but its too short tell me when the full version is out

like it

If i could build games like that...

omg. it was... fun!

Omg... I can't belive it!
I loved it!
I have tryed to make flash games too...
I suck more then TechFlash i bet!
Becous I such very much in making games...
But I realy hope you make a longer one, cuz it was funny =D

not too shabby

pretty addictive. I remember when I was 12 and was attempting to make flash games, i sucked. This game was pretty fun, the graphics could use some work though. Happy creating!


Sw33t game!

That's actually pretty impressive; I like the way the ball bobs and weaves, like using the jetpack on a certain N64 game. It definitely plays well, and with a good model you can do a ton of things with it.

You should soup this thing up with some graphics or start making some crazy traps to go along with it. Flypaper, slow moving red blocks, dragons; there's ton of ways it could go. Keep up the good work!

Credits & Info

3.11 / 5.00

Feb 11, 2007
12:37 PM EST