MetalDart here with his most favorite Flash to date.
I'd like to first off thank Peregrinus for the sound file. Without him, this Flash wouldn't exist. That's why he gets coauthor. <3 Second, I love this Flash probably the most. I can see how my skills have improved and it is overall enjoyable. I love it.
I hope you enjoy it as much as I did making it.
Good art and animation. Good Clockiness. Loved the way the music timed with the action. Not sure what exactly was going on- whether we were supposed to somehow know why Orange is being treated in this way.
Animation- its good, the next step is to make the characters squash out slightly as they hit the ground.
Art- I assume those were a group of Turdclocks, though the picture is not clear, perhaps a little shading would help make their shape clearer.
Since all authors can reply now, I can do so in MetalDart's absence. I agree that squishiness is important, but remember that StrawberryClock is a fair but firm ruler. So firm that his subjects walk delicately, so as not to squish. Thanks a lot for stopping by!
Kinda wierd...
And that makes it funny! You put a smile on my face, thnx!
Very good
Graphics: i think the graphics are good but they are not amazing. (i know that i cant do better...) everything i send in doesnt get in:(.
Style: I know this has probably been done loads of times, but it felt new to me.
Sound: Ogg think sound good.
Violence: Non but i always put 5 (unless the movie sucked)
Interactivity: Not a game, had a replay button, but i didnt know if it was going to come because the credits just stood there.
Humor: It made me smile(in a humorous way).
Overall: I gave it a ten (and ur gonna get a 5) not an eight (not a 4) because i know how you reply to most constuctive comments:D.
Thanks man. You make me so happy.
__The Good__
The animation was pretty damn good. I liked the backgrounds and how smooth they looked. I also liked the way the characters looked. The style of this flash was good too, it was a good idea to see the Clocks in a midevil flash. Great music Peregrinus, it fit well with the flash and it was a catchy tune.
__The Bad__
Really short, just like all of MetalDart's flashes (lololol) but seriously, could have made it longer. No humore involved what so ever. Clock movies should be funny but this one wasn't. Add some humor folks!
__Over All__
A good flash about king Strawberry and Knaive Orange Clock. Nice job on this flash, keep up the good work!
No humor involved? I thought there could have been parts that gave people small chuckles. :(
Is this anyway to repay the man who helped you with your first and only flash? >:U
lol seriously though, I <3 you Hemlok. Thanks for the awesome review man.