omg the accents made this video 10 times better hahahahahahahahahhaahhahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahaha
this is an evil n00by made cartoon about two kids, me and a guy called thunderhawk going on a rampage in school. since thunderhawk doesent have an NG profile, i couldnt add him as an author:( his DA site is anyways enjoy this 5030 framed,(24fps)209 second long movie^^
p.s this is not a free blam point!
omg the accents made this video 10 times better hahahahahahahahahhaahhahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahaha
lol that was the funnist movies i ever seen no lie
Hope this doesn't get blamed i gave this a 5 to help you good luck!
heh, thank you very much man! merry xmas!
ps. the movie was designed to be very n00by made^^
dont worry, this was an earned blam point
poor graphics, poor sound, useless movie, terrible writing and animation. I'm sorry, but this just doesent deserve to go into the portal.
poor graphics = true(it was supposed to be n00by) poor sound = true. terrible writing = not true. the subtitles were written pretty correctly. animation = there was a lot of tweening, but it had a few frame-by-frame animations. common, try to see the "humor" of the crappy animation and bad voice "acting"!
I am not sure.
I will be honest, I am not entirely sure if, using only the languages gifted to mortals, it is possible to describe how truly tactless and disgusting this flash animation was. The premise alone shows levels of immaturity only possible through maladaptive genetic mutation. Perhaps one truly redeeming factor of this is that you had a storyline, and you stuck to it. Although I am loathe to admit it, that puts you ahead of a fair number of other animations in this portal.
Your technical aspects seemed "developing" at best. The voices and sounds were low quality, the blood effects were even lower quality, and the grammar in the subtitles was almost non-existent. Your art was also simple, and a relatively small amount of true animation, was exhibited. Granted there was movement, but none of it was complex. All of these are aspects you could improve upon for your next animation.
In general your art seems just as juvenile as your content. In the future I would suggest changing all of your style. Observe the art of the animations at the top of the portal and observe the plot-lines at the top of the portal. Perhaps then you can base your own animations off of something different than your failing attempts at academia and your libido.
fuck yes!!!!
LOL!!! damn funny thing dude! the idea was quite unique^^. DIE TEACHERS DIE!!!!! MWAHAHAHAHAHA!!!