it was ok but i got a qestion
anybody know where to find a pacman like game tutorial?
hope you like my tutorial i hope it helps you out :) this covers basic games you could make in flash
it was ok but i got a qestion
anybody know where to find a pacman like game tutorial?
bad grafics but atleast it works! i liked the mouse change
it wasnt bad.
it helped alot, but, it looks like you put it together REALLY fast.
but it helped, so so what?
"giant" game tutorial is so fat, it sinks.
Yeah, yeah, yeah. So you think you're smart, eh? You're so smart, you made a tutorial with 8 subjects (not that "giant"), and you DIDN'T EXPLAIN ANY OF THE CODE! If a renowned Flash artist like Glaiel-Gamer posted and said, "This is an open-source dump", I suggest you pay attention. I also recommend that you improve your graphics. Sheesh!
Graphics - 1 - I suggest you move away from badly-drawn blobs and stickmen.
Style - 0 - You have none.
Sound - 2 - See 'Style'.
Violence - 0 - I should probably change that to 10. This tutorial was so bad, it made my eyes bleed.
Interactivity - 1 - Buttons.
Overall - 0 - This did not take any effort whatsoever. Come back with a game, and maybe I'll be more impressed. :)
Good job, man!!!
Awsome! why it has sucha low rating?? This was the only tutorial, that helped me to make a platformer game!