An old acter named Pete shows you one of his old movies of his when he was a little youngin. TIME LAPSE brings you a mix of new animation with an old school clay film.
Most of the footage is old, from 6 months ago, it was originally 2 seperate old films that i now have put into one big edited film with new footage.
Much more at
Please watch with an open mind and enjoy! thank you
this is slightly disturbing, in a good way! i love this!
omg more.
soooo, that was about the funniest clay flash i have ever seen. and i think i've seen almost all of them. in other words: that was the killinest, ballinest, awesomest, penguinest movie of bad-assery that exists. and some other superlatives too, but i can't think of them right now. oh yeah: THE BEST!
poor quality. not the funniest thing ever. not enuff blood. sickass humor. bad voice acting. stupid plot. no mouths. multicolored penguins.
i give it a 10
There were penguins! And it was hillarious! Best thing EVER!!!! Great job!!! A+!